GATES will be implemented through four (4) interrelated Innovation Work Packages (WP) and two (2) horizontal WPs over a period of 30 months.
Project Management.
WP1 will ensure sound administrative, financial and risk management of the project.
Game design and methodology.
WP2 include the necessary tasks leading to the game design taking into consideration end-users’ requirements and the development of the algorithms needed for the in-game simulation of the use of SFT.
Educational content development.
WP3 will define the learning method for the GATES gaming platform, will design the main game and different modules storyboards and will develop the library of in-game educational contents.
Advanced gaming environment.
WP4 will focus on the GATES game development, starting by the back-end definition and following by the delivery of 3 subsequent versions or iterations of the Minimum Viable Game (MVG), which will be validated under WP5 by a representative sample of end-users following the Lean Start-Up method, leading to the delivery of a final product (version 3) at TRL7 by the end of the project.
Deployment, operation & validated learning.
Under this WP, the validated learning process will be conducted by the implementation of three iterations with different end-users (farmers, students, agricultural advisors and SFT industry staff) in 3 countries (Greece, Serbia and Spain), whose findings and recommendations will feedback the game development in WP4 and the GATES exploitation strategy in WP6.
Dissemination & Exploitation.
WP6 will carry out both dissemination activities of the project and its results, as activities leading to the exploitation of the scientific and commercial results of GATES gaming platform.