AUA & Mad About Pandas have participated at the Digital Learning meeting managed by DG CONNECT

AUA & Mad About Pandas have participated at the Digital Learning meeting managed by DG CONNECT
GATES activity

Representatives of the University of Athens and the company Mad About Pandas, both GATES project partners, have been invited and participated at the Digital Learning meeting managed by DG CONNECT (unit G3 Learning, Multilingualism & Accessibility), which took place in Luxembourg last 27th March 2017, along with all H2020 projects in the field of Digital Learning.

The aim of the meeting was to take stock of the achievements of the current H2020 projects in the field Digital Learning and their results to date, and liaise with the H2020 projects started in 2017. The meeting provide GATES partners an opportunity to meet and network with the coordinators and other team members funded by H2020 programme and increase the coherence and communication across the full project portfolio. The meeting also served to identify how the current ongoing projects can contribute to deliver the Digital Single Market agenda of the European Commission, both individually and/or jointly. The meeting had the form of an interactive workshop and each project was entitled to join with max 2 persons.


